English Writing

English Writing
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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

4 Better English Writing Guidelines

Better writing makes a positive impression. Written words convey powerful messages. In fact, readers can get a "feel" about the writer from the way a document is written. Are we sensitive? Careful? Meticulous? Or are we lazy? These and so many other things can be discerned from a written document. Therefore, better English writing is a skill that provides huge dividends to those who have it or make an effort to acquire such skills.
How can we write better? It comes down to practice and more practice. However, practice must be based on following a number of simple guidelines. Some of these are:
  1. Keep It Short.
  2. Use Plain And Common Words.
  3. Use Only Words That Are Needed.
  4. Choose The Active Voice.
Read more on better English writing guidelines.

In addition to following better English writing guidelines and adopting good writing practices, we need to have our written work checked and proofread for spelling, grammar, correct use of verbs and adjectives and a number of other important elements. For this purpose, you may find it convenient to use a better English writing software that is currently very popular. The better writing software will take care of all the essentials and technical details so that you can better concentrate on the overall content and quality of your writing.

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