English Writing

English Writing
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Thursday, January 11, 2018

How to write memorandums or memos.

Memorandums or memos in short would be a challenge to most people especially those in business. This is because writing memorandums or memos that do what they are meant to do is difficult to those who do not know how to do so.  Effective memorandums, though brief and short have a big impact. They in fact tell a lot about the person or persons who write them. Therefore it is important that are written in a clear, correct and concise manner. 
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Effective Letters, Memos & R-mails

For a start it is good to know what it takes to write a good memorandum and put it to practice. The following 10 tips would be able to set you on your way:

  1. Make it personal by using words such as I, you, we and us. Avoid using the passive voice. The active voice would serve you best.

  2. Don't be too formal. Use a conversational tone with words that are used daily. Its okay to use contractions such as we're, you're, you'll and I'm to create the conversational effect. 

  3. Cut down the showmanship. No need to use technical jargon unless absolutely necessary. Avoid abbreviations and fancy words. An example would be, " We shall be meeting the HODs to gauge the progress on the development of the modules.

  4. Remember the mantra "Check and recheck." Mistakes however small, can cost you dearly especially when the memorandums may be used as evidence of any wrongdoing. 
    Best Seller
    Letters & Memos

  5. Avoid being stiff, dull and stale. An example, "We regret the inconvenience caused and are identifying the root causes of the problem." "We apologize for what has happened, please call us as we need to get more details from you" would be better.

  6. Keep the reader, recipient or audience foremost in your mind. Who are they? What do they need to know? What do you want them to do?

  7. Start with the end in mind i.e what needs to be done. State the purpose of the memo and action needed. The general rule is one memo, one purpose. Two memos for two purposes. 

  8. Be sparse with your reasons. Give sufficient reasons but don't overdo it. The recommendation is to give not more than seven reasons. Less is better.

  9. Remember to keep paragraphs short and simple.
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    Model Memos

  10. Make sure that you close the memorandum with what a call to action. An example would be "Please let me have your suggestions by 1000 am, Thursday followed by the date.

The above are but only a few of the points that will help you write better memorandums. Learn more from the following. Click on the images for details including product information and customer reviews.

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